The government’s misguided policies towards landlords are causing a rental crisis. Some landlords are selling up and potential investors are avoiding the market altogether due to the raft of anti-landlord policies introduced by the Labour government.
With a growing population and a shortage of social housing, the demand for rental housing is only increasing. On top of that, there is less new housing being built across the board, making it even harder for people to find a place to live.
As a result, rents are on the rise and tenants are struggling to secure a rental property. The government needs to realise that their anti-landlord policies are back-firing and hurting the tenants.
We need more investment in housing, not policies that drive landlords out of the market. Without a change in direction, the rental crisis in New Zealand will only get worse. So buckle up, folks – expect to see more reports of higher rents and high demand from tenants trying to secure a rental property.
John Kenel
Assured Property
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